Yes, right now I miss you,
Violet Eyes Turns Brighter

Navigations are Violet, Eyes, Turns, Brighter.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 11:31 AM

Done w You're Beautiful :)
BAHAHHAHHAHA Pig-Rabbitttttttttttt!
Went down to school to buy books yesterday, waste moneyzxc.
Wrapped books, rest.
Went to Wheelock Place w Dad and Kester.
Looked @ iPod touch, :D:D:D
(I think im gonna get one for Christmas)
Went to Anchorpoint HK茶餐厅 for dinner w Mom and Grandparents, yumzxzxzx.

Meeting Genevieve and Jiajie later, homework and stuffzxzx.

"Why you look so beng liao?" LOLOL.
